Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Chinese Mainland War Movies/ Dramas

Dear drama lovers, Other than the below shows, we also have others (Chinese ancient i.e.Zhu Yuan Zhang,Kang Xi Dynasty, korean shows) , pls feel free to email to check with us.

Recommended! Latest hit in China Title: "Wo de Tuan Zhang Wo de Tuan" (English: My Company Commander) About a group of Chinese deserters, injured soldiers who follow a fictious Major.

Recommended! A lot of fighting/ war scenes using chinese broad sword (Da dao)! Title (s): "Liang Jian 2" and "Liang Jian"(Drawing sword Part 1 and 2) About the story of 2 brothers during the japanese war of aggression in the early 30s. 2 parts, 2 DVDs each.

Title: "Xia1 Qiu2 Zhuan4" (English: Story of Xia Qiu) Story set during WWII.

Title: "Xan4 Shi4" (English: The Soldier) Story set in the aftermath of the Chinese Civil War where a communist platoon unexpectedly meets bandits

Title: "Jian1 Dao1" (English: Dagger) A story about intelligence operatives during the Chinese Civil War

Title: "Li4 Jian4" (English: The Sharp Sword) A story of communist and nationalist spying set during the Chinese Civil war.

Title: "Kang4 re4 mi4 pan1 ji1 di4 (English: Attack on Japanese base) A story on the Chinese war of resistance against the japanese.

Title: "Chuan1 Xi1 Da1 Zue2 Zan1 (English: Chuan Xi Big Battle) A story of a few common citizens who became brothers and resisted the japanese.

Title: "Chong2 Qing4 Da1 Hong1 Za4" (English: The bombing of ChongQing) A story about the communist seige on the Nationalist held areas of Chong Qing during the final years of the Chinese Civil War.

Title: War years in China: 1925-1949 (Roughly: Couldn't decipher the chinese characters) A story on the war years in China through the eyes of the Yang family siblings who joined different warring factions.

Title: "Hong2 Xue4" (English: Death squads of Hong Xue) About a chinese war hero who fought against the japanese and died

Title: "Sheng1 Si3 xian4" (The Line) About a story of a operative and surviors who worked behind enemy lines.